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  • Friday Finds — Writing for Busy People, Typography & Facilitation Tips

Friday Finds — Writing for Busy People, Typography & Facilitation Tips

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People don’t teach because they’re experts. They’re seen as experts because they teach.

I had a fantastic time at Central Ohio ATD's annual gathering this week. Plus, I got to hangout virtually with Shannon Tipton! Isn't it awesome to spend time with your fellow learning peeps? Good news for those reading this newsletter - I’ve got some cool discounts available for mingling with other L&D enthusiasts. Shannon has provided a special offer for the upcoming workshop next month, where we'll explore my new C.U.R.A.T.E.D. learning model and delve into curation for L&D. If you're keen, use the promo code "Find15" to get 15% off until 9/29. …and keep reading to find more discount deals for Offbeat programs and the Learnapolooza event in Seattle and online next month.

Thanks for reading!

🎶 What I’m Listening To

This week I discovered the sounds of Rook Monroe who is “crafting modern, genre-bending pop music” - and it’s pretty darn good!

👆 Last Week’s Most Clicked

The C.U.R.A.T.E.D. Model for Learning

📰 News & Notes

The Science of Writing for Busy People

Todd Rogers, a behavioral scientist and Harvard PhD holder, delves into the art of effective communication in his talk, emphasizing the power of brevity and strategic formatting. Through various studies and real-world applications, Rogers underscores the importance of concise messaging, especially in today's information-saturated world. He showcases how simplifying communication, from emails to public health announcements, can drastically improve engagement and comprehension. Key takeaways include the revelation that shorter promotional emails yield higher response rates, and the strategic use of formatting can guide reader attention, enhancing the overall impact of a message.

🎯 Take away: Effective communication is not about the volume of words but the clarity and conciseness of the message.

8 Micro Tips for Remarkably Better Typography

The article by Matej Latin of uxdesign.cc provides 8 quick tips to improve your typography and make your designs look more polished. It suggests choosing font pairings carefully, using proper apostrophes and quotation marks, adjusting letter spacing for better readability, being consistent with your formatting, using special characters wisely, considering line height, experimenting with drop caps, and learning to kern (adjust space between letters). With just a little extra attention to these typographic details, you can make your text look clean, professional and visually appealing.

🎯 Take away: By focusing on small typographic details like thoughtful font pairings, line height, and kerning, you can elevate your designs from good to great.

10 Simple Strategies for Facilitating Breakthroughs in Your Live Sessions

In her latest newsletter, Gwyn Wansbrough shares insights on facilitating breakthroughs during live sessions. Drawing from personal experiences and referencing the book "Anatomy of a Breakthrough" by Adam Alter, she emphasizes the importance of creating the right conditions for breakthroughs to occur. Gwyn discusses the challenges of being stuck in various aspects of life and offers strategies to overcome them. Her own breakthrough came from a shift in perspective and environment in a math class, demonstrating the power of reframing problems and changing environments.

🎯 Take away: Creating the right conditions can facilitate breakthroughs, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and learning.

Are you looking to enhance your eLearning initiatives and expand your L&D toolkit? Subscribe to the Neovation Learning Hub for a plethora of FREE eLearning resources that can help you improve all aspects of training at your organization.

🧰 Tech Tools & Tips

If tools are your jam, check out my new Work Smarter newsletter.

Boost your L&D skills with Offbeat Programs!
Crafted by industry leaders, enjoy live sessions, hands-on tasks, reflection spaces, and social learning. Plus, get a yearly membership for continuous learning. (you know how important that is). Exclusive 5% discount for subscribers of this newsletter with code “OFFBEAT5”.
Elevate your learning journey now!

🎧 Podcast

This is the conversation that caught my ear this week. Check out previous episodes in the Friday Finds podcast playlist.

🧳 Where’s Mike?


You’re familiar with PPT presentations. But what about PPT courses?

If you’re starting out in eLearning and can’t afford an authoring tool quite yet, use PowerPoint. This tool goes way beyond presentations, empowering you to create full-fledged courses, assessments, animations, and more.

Download the guide “How to Create a Training Course in PowerPoint” to learn how to use PPT in eLearning step by step.

Unlock the future of learning at Learnapalooza, (Online & Seattle), Oct 6th! Dive into sessions with Jimbo & Brandon Clark, explore AI, DEIB & more. Exclusive 30% discount for subscribers of this newsletter: Use code “L8MT”. Register now & connect early via our app! 👉 Learnapalooza8.com"

If you or your event needs a speaker or workshop that is highly interactive and super practical we should talk.

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