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  • Friday Finds — Interleaving, Open AI Assistants, Sludge Toolkit

Friday Finds — Interleaving, Open AI Assistants, Sludge Toolkit

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There is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything…. And that is by making the other person want to do it.

— Dale Carnegie

We’re coming up on birthday week for the boys in our house. Of course, we’ll celebrate with the usual cake and ice cream. Plus, next weekend, we’re off to see John Oliver! I'm excited to be turning old enough to get into some events for free. It's great to save money, but it also makes me feel a little bit old. (Am I officially an adult now?) Oh well, I'm not going to fret about it. I don't feel old, and I'm grateful for that!

Thanks for reading!

🎶 What I’m Listening To

Today I’m giving the The Wallows a listen. Good alt-pop stuff that my daughter has in heavy rotation.

👆 Last Week’s Most Clicked

2023 Learning Technology Provider Guide

📰 News & Notes

Interleaving Improves Learning for All Learners

This Learning Scientistspost discusses the effectiveness of interleaving as a learning strategy. Interleaving, as opposed to blocking (focusing on one type of problem at a time), involves mixing different types of problems or materials during study sessions. Interestingly, despite the evidence, about 80% of students believed that blocking was a better learning strategy, even after experiencing the benefits of interleaving. Interleaving is a robust and effective learning strategy across a wide range of conditions.

🎯 Take away: Interleaving is a superior learning strategy for most situations, but most people underestimate its effectiveness.

Open AI's Assistants for Educators

Among other things, OpenAI released a new “assistants” function this week. So what exactly are AI "assistants" and how do you use them? And what does this mean for educators? Dr. Philippa Hardman has all the answers for you. In a nutshell, OpenAI has made it super easy for anyone with basic prompting skills to develop their very own AI bot. Click through to learn how and why you should experiment with these new assistants.

🎯 Take away: OpenAI's new Assistants put powerful AI tools in educators' hands, but we must thoughtfully guide them to augment, not automate, the human elements of teaching.

Sludge Toolkit

The Sludge Toolkit, initially aimed at enhancing government services, is also invaluable for Learning and Development (L&D). It targets the removal of unnecessary complexity, which in L&D can obstruct learning efficiency and satisfaction. Applying sludge removal to L&D can simplify learning processes, making experiences more accessible and more effective.

🎯 Take away: The Sludge Toolkit's approach to reducing complexity can transform Learning and Development efforts, making them more streamlined and learner-friendly.

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🧰 Tech Tools & Tips

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🎧 Podcast

This is the conversation that caught my ear this week. Check out previous episodes in the Friday Finds podcast playlist.

🧳 Where’s Mike?

  • At home writing and drinking coffee ☕

If you or your event needs a speaker or workshop that is highly interactive and super practical, we should talk.


60% of Learners Cheat During Online Assessments Most of The Time

Let’s face it: learners enjoy cheating, regardless of whether they’re kids or experienced, highly skilled professionals. And when they do, assessments lose all of their value. So, what should you do about it? You don’t have many options. Learners will never cheat – not even once – if they can’t.

Start creating cheat-proof assessments by joining our free webinar, “Beyond Cheating: Create Accurate Online Assessments,” where we’ll break down proven strategies and the most effective ways to build quizzes and tests that no one can cheat on.

Date: Thursday, November 16
Time: 11:00 AM EST

Don’t miss this opportunity to maximize the effectiveness of your assessments.

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Friday Finds is an independent publication that I produce in my free time. You can support my work by sharing it with the world, booking an advertising spot, or by buying me a coffee.


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