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  • Friday Finds — First Impressions, Cognitive Science, Memorable Presentations Framework

Friday Finds — First Impressions, Cognitive Science, Memorable Presentations Framework

First Impressions Matter: Design & Learning Tips Inside!

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“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”

— Thorton Wilder

The calendar says May, but the whirlwind of senior activities and graduation parties screams "warp speed!" Seems like yesterday I was packing his lunchbox, and now my son's the one packing his bags – for Oxford, Ohio that is! I'm excited for him to embark on this new adventure at Miami (and secretly excited to revisit my own alma mater under the guise of "parental support"). Guess this grad season is a reminder that time flies, so here's to hoping those teenage years were just a warm-up for the even better college ones.

Thanks for reading!

🎶 What I’m Listening To

I heard from some fellow Hall & Oates fans last week so I’m tuning into another popular 80’s band this morning - Huey Lewis & The News

Nielsen Norman Group

📰 News & Notes

First Impressions Matter: How Designers Can Support Humans’ Automatic Cognitive Processing

The Nielsen Norman Group article discusses how initial impressions are largely formed by the brain's automatic, subconscious processing, emphasizing that users make quick, almost instantaneous judgments about a website's aesthetic and functional quality. This automatic judgment, influenced by visual design, impacts user engagement and trustworthiness perception. It's crucial for designers to understand that while these first impressions are formed quickly and subconsciously, they set the tone for the user's ongoing interaction with the website.

🎯 Take away: First impressions are more about quick, subconscious reactions than thoughtful evaluations, underscoring the need for compelling and trustworthy visual design.

6 Evidence-Based Instructional Practices Drawn From Cognitive Science

This Edutopia article shows how to use research from cognitive science to supercharge learning. They dive into six powerful strategies: prepping students' brains to learn, grabbing their attention, breaking down new terms, spacing out reviews, mixing up subjects, and getting students actively involved. By using these techniques, we can create a learning experience that's both effective and engaging for students.

🎯 Take away: Leveraging evidence-based strategies, like spaced retrieval and interleaving, can make learning more effective and engaging.​

Use This Framework for Fascinating & Memorable Presentations (Backed by Science)

This article is about a model called “Winston’s Star” which unlocks the science behind captivating presentations. This model works because of its application of psychology and behavioral science — applied consciously or not. Learn how to weave storytelling, surprising details, and emotional connection into your talks to grab attention, hold interest, and make your points stick. Craft presentations that resonate, not just inform, and leave your audience remembering the key takeaways.

🎯 Take away: Science says captivating presentations use storytelling, surprising elements, and emotional connection to hook your audience and make your key points stick.

If you’re conducting training through virtual calls, your learners may be “zoomed” out! Moving to eLearning could be the solution. Discover the five key questions before converting your live, virtual training to eLearning.

🧰 Tech Tools & Tips

If tools are your jam, check out my new Work Smarter newsletter.

Jotform Tables transforms your form data into a powerful workspace in seconds. With three new collaboration features, collecting, managing, and organizing your data has never been easier.

🎧 Podcast

This is the conversation that caught my ear this week. Check out previous episodes in the Friday Finds podcast playlist.

🧳 Where’s Mike?

If you or your event needs a speaker or workshop that is highly interactive and super practical, we should talk.

Transform On-the-Job Training with an LMS

On-the-job training is one of the best ways to integrate employees into their everyday working environment and help them adapt to their roles. Join this iSpring webinar to discover how to transform OJT into a powerful tool for employee development and organizational growth.

You’ll learn how to involve the right employees in OJT, the elements it should contain, and how to launch an on-the-job training module in the iSpring Learn LMS. Gain amazing hands-on experience you can apply right away in your organization.

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